What do you want in your family life and how do you get there? Join us for a discussion on getting more of what you want in this new year! PARENT TALK DISCUSSION GROUP A discussion group that meets every 6 weeks on the hows and whys of child and adolescent behavior: where does a child or teen’s behavior come from, how does it develop, and what do children and teens need in order to develop into thriving adults. Rachel Wigglesworth of Growing Great Families will begin each discussion with a brief topic introduction and then lead parents through interactive exercises and discussions using Zoom chat and breakout rooms. Importantly she'll be there to answer questions and tease out what these ideas look like in daily interactions using parents' real life examples. Discussion topics are applicable for parents of all age children – toddler through teen.
Parent Talk Discussion will parallel Rachel's periodic "Parent Talk" column in theJackson Hole News and Guide. Through this discussion group you’ll be able to get insights into how the ideas presented in her column apply to your personal family dynamics.
Find background and more details about the discussion prompts by reading Rachel's latest "Parent Talk" column here.
July 12, 2021 6:00-7:00 pm via Zoom
Discussionswill occur at 6-week intervals and will take place two weeks after each "Parent Talk" column is published in Jackson Hole News & Guide. Future dates: 8/25, 10/6, 11/17
Cost $10 (suggested donation - pay by Venmo: @Rachel-Wigglesworth)
Can't make this date but still interested? Email Rachel - she may be able to host another group at a time that works for you
Zoom link will be sent out once registration and payment is complete
April 21, 2021 Discussion Prompts Parents often come to me baffled by why their children are behaving a certain way. Rightly so. The hitting, screaming, whining, vies for attention, snarky responses, disrespectful attitude, defiance, risky behavior, or feeling anxious or stressed. We are good parents. We take care of our children, love them and give them what they need. Why do they get so upset or treat us so poorly? There is a purpose for or reason behind every behavior, and it's often an attempt to reach some sort of goal. The first step in working with your child or teen's challenging behavior is what Rachel calls becoming a "behavior detective" - understanding where that behavior is coming from.
Discussion prompts will include questions that ask you to consider where your child's behavior is coming from. Is the behavior indicating some sort of need the child/teen is trying to get met? Is there an unmet need your child is trying to meet, but doing so in a challenging way? Are your responses to your child's behavior getting you to your desired outcomes - in both the short term and the long term?
What is causing our children and teens to behave this way? Join us for a discussion of what every child (and human) needs in order to thrive and how our behavior is often an attempt to get those needs met.
Over the course of the next several months Rachel will work to help you unpack the interrelationship between the parent-child dynamic and how parent and child influence and shape each other.
PAST PARENT TALK DISCUSSIONS: January 27, 2021 Discussion Prompts Our first discussion will help you focus on the vision you have for your family. The first step in getting more of what you want is, well, knowing what you want!
Discussion prompts will include questions such as who do you want your child to become (think character traits, not careers), and what do you hope they learn while they are in your home. Detailed discussion prompts will be sent out in advance to registered participants enabling time for reflection before the discussion begins.