Digital Media Use in our Families: Managing our hangups, beliefs, & ideals
Come explore the use of digital media in your family during this 2-hour workshop lead by Rachel Wigglesworth of Growing Great Families. Rachel will help you consider the dynamics at play within your family’s digital media use and conflicts surrounding it. Importantly she will discuss the hidden benefits of creating a “Technology Pact” within your family, and lead you through steps of creating one for your own family. Raising an Adult
Join Rachel Wigglesworth of Growing Great Families on a journey exploring what you hope for your children, and the parenting decisions you make and interactions you have with your kids on a daily basis to help them get there. Realizing that your children/teens will someday be adults, we will discuss the character traits and skills you want your kids to have when they leave the home, and how you are teaching them. Bring paper and pencil to take notes and dive deep in creating a plan for how you will help your child/teen on the path toward adulthood! Appropriate for parents of children of all ages. Rachel will draw from the works of Julie Lythcott-Haims (“How to Raise an Adult”), VIcki Hoefle (“The Straight Talk on Parenting”), and William Stixrud & Ned Johnson (“The Self Driven Child”) among others. Siblings without Rivalry ***a new class***
Join Rachel Wigglesworth and other parents to discuss the dynamics between siblings in your home:
Toddlers, Preschoolers and Tantrums - An Interactive Workshop
(aka Dads and Discipline) "Take this class! Tangible tools and great reminders! 'Toddlers & Tantrums' used real life scenarios and walked us through what to do. Looking at the child's needs was really helpful. The at home tips were great!" - parent from last year's Toddlers & Tantrums class
Understanding Preschoolers and Speaking their Language: Part 1
Parent Talk
A weekly parent discussion group When: Wednesdays, noon-1:00 Where: Teton County Library - Meeting Room #2 Cost: FREE! Open to parents of children of all ages. Please email, text, or message me on Facebook if you plan on attending. Description: It takes a village! Join a community of parents and Rachel Wigglesworth (M.S., M.Ed.), founder of Growing Great Families, to discuss your parenting challenges and topics of interest. Bring your questions, insights, and open mind to explore being a parent in today’s world. The feedback that Rachel receives about the benefits of taking her classes and workshops is the interaction parents have with one another. Parents talking with parents helps normalize our parenting situation. We gain insights from one another, find community, and feel more confident in raising our families. This group is intended to be parent driven. Rachel will serve as your guide - to support and answer questions. |
Parenting your Terrific Toddler
Understanding Preschoolers: Part 2
Incredible Infants