For parents of middle school and high school students - November 2020 If you couldn't attend the workshop, find recordings and handout below:
Find workshop recording for parents of high schoolershere and slides here
Find workshop recording for parents of middle schoolershere and slides here
Find handout with tips, workshop notes and resources here
Find recording for workshop in Spanish led by Daniella Peterson here and slides here
Find Rachel's column titled "What's a Parent's Role in Hybrid Learning" here
During this time of hybrid learning, our kids can run the gamut from being completely engaged and motivated in their school work to being disengaged, sleeping in and refusing to show up for school. As parents we can find ourselves in power struggles with our adolescents or worried about their social-emotional health.
What is a parent’s role? What expectations are we to have of our children in this new school environment, and are they reasonable expectations? What role should our children play in creating their own learning experience? In this interactive 1.5-hour Zoom workshop, we will discuss challenges you and your child are facing with hybrid learning. We will give you practical tools and actionable strategies to help your child discover how learning works best for them. Topics to be discussed may include:
A parent’s role during hybrid learning
Helping middle school students take ownership of their at-home learning
Stress management
Executive function and the adolescent brain
Setting boundaries
Screen use
Power struggles
Co-presented with: Daniela Peterson, Licensed Professional Counselor, La Familia Counseling Ben Brettell, School Social Worker, Jackson Hole Middle School Mark Pommer, School Psychologist, Jackson Hole High School