Interested in a 6-week class for parents of preschoolers?
Find class details here Click here to express interest in the class "Growing Great Families' 'Understanding Preschoolers' class is a confidence-building parenting course that demystifies your child's behavior, gives you tools to handle some of the most challenging parenting moments and gives you a safe place to share your struggles as a parent. It was not only enlightening but comforting to learn that parents of every type (stay at home parents to working parents) wrestle with similar parenting issues." - Mother of a 1 and 3 year old. I'm happy to start this class as soon as there is interest - this Fall, or in mid-January! I hope to work out a class schedule that works for most! Classes for parents/caregivers of 0-12 month olds.
If you are a parent or caregiver of an infant, please fill out this survey to give us ideas of what you would like to learn about while caring for your infant. Classes to start in mid-January. Stay in touch to learn more about GGF, get updates on parenting classes, or to partake in surveys about your parenting needs and concerns!