Healthy self-esteem comes in part from the ability to develop a sense of personal power, but how do we balance our teens’ needs for independence and autonomy with their tendency toward novelty seeking and risky behavior in today’s fast paced world?
This class will be a discussion based class. Rachel will use your questions and scenarios from your family dynamics to teach content, making the learning relevant to all. This will create a balance of learning about teens' healthy social-emotional development and discussion between parents about their successes, challenges and questions. Rachel will use breakout groups and other modalities to get parents talking to each other. RAISING TEENS
Feb 24, 2021, 11:30 am (MST) & every Wednesday for 4 weeks
Contact Rachel if interested in an evening session
Via Zoom
Discussion will last for 1-1.5 hours per class depending on group interest and questions
Once you fill out the enrollment form, please make payments using one of the links below:
Please go to one of the following to make payments: - Venmo: (@Rachel-Wigglesworth, [email protected], 307-732-0413)
- Credit card payment (fees may apply) Class Topics: Rachel will adjust each class according to parent interest and need. Sample topics that could be covered are found below: The Emotional World of Parenting As parents we can be extremely triggered by our teen’s normal but challenging behaviors. Yet our strong reactions do not help our teens move out of these behaviors. In this class we will explore the emotional world of parenting, where our strong emotions come from, and what we can do to calm our strong emotions so that we can help our teens do the same. We will consider where our teen’s behaviors are coming from and what our teens might be trying to tell us through their behaviors. Teen Development and Brain Development The teen years are a critical period where teens are establishing a place in the world. Feeling a sense of significance and belonging is crucial to teen development. In addition, the brain circuitry in our teens is being rewired causing all sorts of emotions and behaviors. Understanding the developmental stage of our teens, and what they need from us, can help us form the strong relationships they need to navigate this challenging time and maintain strong mental health. The Relationship: Trust, Independence, Parenting Styles, & Boundaries Research has shown that the development of character strengths in children contributes significantly more to that child’s later on well-being and success in life than a child’s IQ and socioeconomic status. Character strengths are developed through strong relationships and life experiences. Our teens need our trust in them and they need to be given independence to navigate the world successfully on their own. Yet sometimes we don’t feel we can give this to them. During this class we will discuss parenting styles and how to create limits and boundaries with our teens so that we can trust them and give them the independence they need. Raising an Adult: Self-Esteem, Identity Development, & Building Competency While we are living with teens and ‘tweens we are also raising adults. What do our teens need to move into the world as thriving, competent, and healthy adults? Not only do they need the actual skills to live life beyond our four walls, but they also need the mental and emotional strength to do this. Healthy self esteem comes from the ability to develop a sense of personal power. This class will focus on how we give our teens the skills and confidence they need as they move into the adult world. The Social Life of Teens: Social Pressure, Digital Media, & Risky Behavior Sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll! The adolescent brain is wired for social connection and novelty seeking. The combination of the two can lead to participation in risky behaviors. How do we navigate the balance between allowing independence while also keeping our teens safe? How do we encourage responsible decision making? And how do we help our teens find a balance between digital media use and other aspects of life? Parenting in Practice This class is intentionally left open for parents to engage in discussion about the real life challenges they are going through with their teens and gain some insight about how to move forward. Topics of interest that weren’t covered in the previous classes may also be discussed.